International Meet Management High school Masters Learn-to-Swim Motivation Governance Training Technique
Swimming, coaching, and clinics have taken Coach Dillon to:
- 6 continents
- 34 countries
- And 49 of the 50 U.S. states
Coach Dillon’s vast experience allows him to bring a broad world view while adapting to a very local experience for maximum impact. He has personally conducted:
- Dozens of clinics
- In more than 10 countries
- To over 1200 coaches
- Representing more than 20 countries
Duffy thoroughly enjoys the opportunity to meet, work with, and influence so many coaches and swimmers all over the world. "The swimming community around the world has more similarities than it does differences. By and large, coaches and athletes are hardworking and friendly; with an intense desire to get better. I am extremely proud and thankful for the chances to work with so many great people and make friends for life."
ASCA International Director
American Swimming Coaches Association
August 2014 - present
San Jose State University
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
1989 - 1992
Florida Atlantic University
Bachelor's Degree
2002 - 2004
Major in Accounting. Cum Laude.
University of Florida
Bachelor's Degree
1983 - 1987
Major in Fiannce.
Academic All-American. President's Award recipient.
English limited Spanish
ASCA Level 5
American Swimming Coaches Association
January 1993 - present
Board of Directors
USA Swimming (Health)
September 2003 - September 2007
Served as the Southern Zone Coach Director and on several committess and task forces including Open Water, Audit, and Membership Marketing.
Board of Directors
Florida Gold Coast Swimming (Health)
January 2000 - present
Have served in almost every role to support the local swimming committee: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Senior Chairman, Finance/Budget Committee, Safety Chairman, Time Standards, Governance/Bylaws Committee, and Technical Planning.
How large is the learn-to-swim market and what is your perspective on relevant trends within the space?
Hope you’re doing well. As a brief intro, my name is Suman Siva and I'm an Associate at a consumer investing firm called Castanea Partners. We’re looking to learn more about the 'learn to swim market' that teaches young children how to swim through structured classes. We'd love to better understand the size of this market, as well how the market size is changing as more structured offerings emerge. Our understanding is that there are a few types of players:
1) Branded players focused on providing structured LTS classes (e.g. Goldfish swim schools, Aqua Tots)
2) Mom and pop and community swim programs that provide LTS classes (e.g. YMCAs)
3) Informal offerings (e.g. kids learning from parents, at summer camps, other teachers)
We were wondering if you would be able to connect us with someone who could speak to the market, including market size and recent trends in a consulting capacity. Look forward to hearing from you!
Hello and thank you for your question. It's a resonably "large" question as for scope, but I will do my best. The overall potential learn to swim market is pretty huge. It is every current and future person who does not yet know how to swim. EVERYONE should know how to swim. It is the ONE sport skill that will save a person's life; and then it leads to so many other life-enhancing and life-enjoying opportunities and pursuits, whether it be for sport or for leisure and recreation.
You are correct in your listing of the types of programs that are currently offered. I believe the current trend is still pretty organic and local which seems to be leading to decent to moderate growth in the overall market. Certain communities have been more successful than others and is very dependent on program leadership.
The market is very labor-intensive - for every few new clients in a class, you need another teacher. There seems to be very little passive income. You're only earning revenue when facing clients. Quality training is a must.
I hope this helps you get started on your discovery. Good luck.
Could i start coaching
Have a wonderful day, i am a triathlon player, beginner one, and am Certified spinning instractor and interesting to start basic coaching in swimming, form where could i start, and is this possible without being a swimming athlete
for ASCA, which course do you recommend to start with
Hello, Sherif,
Thank you for your question. Becoming a swim coach is like anything else, you start with education and then gain experience. The best way is to start your joruney by joining us, the ASCA:
Then, you want to start educating yourself through our ASCA Certification program beginning with Level 1 and then continuing through the program as you achieve each successive level:
Good luck to you as you being this fantastic journey. Please, let us know how we can assist you at any time.
Duffy Dillon
International Director